
Increase mental sharpness and be at your neurological best before upcoming checkrides


Neurocognitive Testing

Problems with neurocognitive test results? OA could be your best way to prepare for future retesting opportunities 


Peak Performance

Go beyond skill building and optimize your brain power – from GA’s to Astronauts



ADHD, Concussion, CHI/TBI, Substance Abuse, Stroke, Depression and more. OA Training could help your recovery when used at the right time


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Rigorous scientific investigation over the last 25 years has culminated into neurological strength training programs that enhance cognitive processing and aid in aspects of both daily and professional life. 

In just over a month, the brain processes most important to flight safety and performance could be at their neurological best – and the results appear to last for years. You choose the place and the time to exercise your brain, we do all the rest.

PLEASE NOTE: The claims made throughout this website are based on scientific studies that examine groups of peoples’ gains from training, so individual results will vary. OA Training has not been evaluated by the FDA and it is not considered a medical intervention; OA is for fitness purposes only. For more information, please review our Terms & Conditions below.


Program-Wide Safety

Strengthen the Neurological Hardware of Your Entire Fleet
Click Here

Older Pilots

 A Chance to Reverse Years of Decline in Mental Sharpness in Weeks
Click Here

Struggling Students

Overcome Obstacles in Testing and Learning with Targeted Cognitive Training
Click Here

Air Traffic Controllers (ATCS) – OA Training Has A Program Just for You Too

Start Now

OA vs All

  Brain Games OA
Fly Sharp
Fly Right
Forever Fly
Complete Online Access
iPad, Android, Computer/Laptop compatible
Exercises rigorously researched & selected just for pilots  
COACHED TRAINING with weekly feedback  
The RIGHT exercises selected for you  
Exercise performance monitored throughout  
Exercises adjusted over time to optimize gains  
Help with exercising the right way  
Ability to compare yourself to other pilots  
Personal access to Aviation Brain Training Experts  
Constant research in aerospace and neuroscience  
Pre- and Post-training Assessment    
Deep Analysis of Performance Gains & Needs    
Review of your past Cog Test results (optional)


Consultations with John Milanovich, Ph.D.      


Here are just a few examples!



FAQ’s – Please Read!

This doesn’t look anything like flying, how does this help me?

Answer: We regularly see athletes stretching or lifting weights to improve their game, which often looks nothing like swinging a golf club or shooting baskets. It’s the same for pilots – OA Training does not look like flying, but it helps with the most important muscle for flying aircraft safely – your brain!

What are the exercises like?

See the video on Sample Exercises above. As an example, True North stretches Visual Orientation and Short-term Memory in even the most experienced pilots. Double Decision increases brain Processing Speeds like never before. And Target Tracker increases Visual Awareness Capacities in a way that can help you juggle all that is going on in and outside of the cockpit. Of course, these are just a few of the exercises used by OA – others can increase Working Memory and even address Complex Auditory Processes involved in ATC communications!

How often do I train?

5-days per week for 5-weeks is excellent (6-days per week for 6-weeks or more if you are seeking special issuance that involves neurocognitive or cog testing). Then, you’re likely good for years to come, especially if you complete our 4-day Booster Session once per year!!

FOR THOSE SEEKING SPECIAL ISSUANCE: Due to the variability in challenges or conditions that may affect neurocognitive processing, the duration of your OA program may last longer than 6-weeks. We work with pilots on a case-by-case basis in this regard, but know that for some people gains are quite quick and for others they come along more slowly. Still, others might start out very low in one or another cognitive domain and need extra help, which may require extra training time. It should be noted additional 3-week extensions for training are billed at a discounted rate.

How long do I train each session?

We recommend about 30-minutes per day all at once, though you may break it up into multiple parts per day. Those seeking Special Issuance for neurocognitive or cog testing should plan to train about 45- to 60-minutes per day.

Do I need to train at the same time everyday?

Definitely not. But, please note you may not see as strong of performance gains if you “double up” on one day to not have to train on others, we’ll be let you know if the gains are not up to expectations. Intensive training for a few weeks with one or two days off per week max is the best in our experience and research, then most pilots are good to go for years to come!

Can I take a day off?

Absolutely – in fact we strongly recommend you take at least 1 day off per week, even if you are seeking Special Issuance. Again, this helps with consolidation of the neurological gains made during the week.

Can I take a week off?

Yes, you may take up to 1 week off per training cycle. So you should plan accordingly and do not start your program if you have a 2-week vacation coming up!

Once you start a program, you are on the clock with up to 6-weeks of consecutive training for the Core Programs (and in any case, the clock starts within 3 weeks of signing up for a program, even if you have not started; no refunds are available after you begin training, start your OA Assessment, or 3 weeks has passed since signing up – whichever comes first). Training after that, if needed, incurs additional fees at discounted rates. 

How do I know if I’m improving my cognitive processing?

The sensors and algorithms used to determine your potential gains are highly developed. Your OA Coach will be analyzing these data regularly, and he or she will give you feedback every 7 to 10 days or so to help you stay on track and understand your performance gains. Bottom Line: You’ll know your about improvements with clarity. Those seeking Special Issuance and participating in the Fly Right or Forever Fly program get an even deeper analysis, which is critical for their purposes.

What if it doesn’t seem like I’m making gains?

A new exercise program of any kind may not seem beneficial, at least in the beginning. When done the OA Way, our exercises have been shown to enhance neurological functioning and make real-world impacts in people’s day-to-day performance, so hang in there as your brain is getting better with proper training!

For those seeking Special Issuance, things could “click” at any moment and your OA Coach will keep you abreast of both your strengths and weaknesses along the way.

Please Note: Some injuries or conditions might be found to not be fully amenable via brain training, which often can only be determined on a case-by-case basis after working out for at least 6-weeks. While plateaus are common, if prolonged a significant break from training is potentially needed, or training itself was only effective to a point. Talk to your OA Coach if concerns arise, though know we will be monitoring your data and giving you feedback throughout your training program without you having to ask! In addition, if obstacles remain present, feel free to contact your AME, Neuropsychologist, or Neurologist to potentially learn more about any neurocognitive obstacles present.

What other information do i need to know?

Your OA Coach will contact you via email within 24 to 48 hours after you sign up for a specific program (you will not be contacted if you register but do not pay the training fee).

Hopefully you have already taken the time to review ALL of the videos on our Home Page and Start Now page, as well as read ALL of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) to see what the program is about – if not do it BEFORE you sign up for any program!

After you sign up for a specific program, you will receive a Training Video and detailed information packet via your email on file. This will walk you through every step of the way, including how to take your OA Assess (Pre- and Post-Training Assessments for those in the Fly Right or Forever Fly programs) AND begin actual training. Once enough data is generated you will then receive your first OA Training Update from your OA Coach!

Also, your OA Coach is responsible for many pilots and your program has been set up for You, with highly customized programming for those in the Fly Right or Forever Fly programs. That is the nature of the program, and while you receive personalized training and coaching we are not here to counsel you, provide therapy, or provide any deep insights into your brain’s processing, though you may experience that through our work together!

So, it is not typical that pilots need to contact our office or their OA Coach but if you have done all of the above and still need help feel free to use [email protected] or call 800-240-7510.

I’m seeking Special Issuance, how can this help?

OA Training helps to strengthen parts of the brain most important to flying. While many pilots are able to do day-to-day tasks with relative ease, head injuries, strokes, alcohol or substance abuse, or simply getting older takes its toll on the brain more than you may imagine and may impact your capacity to hold an airman medical certificate. OA was built on such circumstances and could help you reach your aviation goals.

Aspiring pilots, including those with a past diagnosis of ADD/ADHD, ASD, CP, or LD often greatly benefit from OA Training – which could help with both flight training and general school demands alike!

I struggled with Cog Testing, can this help me?

Yes, many pilots who struggled in the same way have benefitted from OA Training. It is the most researched program of its kind and we have seen many pilots reach their aviation goals following completion of our program. OA goes so far beyond playing with “brain games” on the internet, with no professional and personalized guidance, that it’s hard to express the massive difference in what you get (though check out the Start Now page after your done reading the FAQ’s). Outside of meeting with a professional cognitive rehabilitation therapist one-on-one in his or her office, we know of no other program that has the potential of OA.

Pilots continue to say our program is like having a personal trainer or physical therapist (PT) as a guide to overcome a weakness, injury, or obstacle. In this way, we assign exercises that are customized for a particular pilot’s needs through our Fly Right or Forever Fly program, and we guide pilots during the training process to ensure optimal effects. The brain is quite complicated, so OA strives to take the guesswork out of training to assist pilots in making real performance gains. Simply put, we believe there is no better program available in any profession.

In addition to offering pilots a well-designed program, an unintended but fortunate outcome of our work has been that our analysis of your OA data can help determine when you might be ready to take or retake cog tests. This, as you can imagine, is a big deal. Basically, by the middle of your training program we start to compare your performance levels with other pilots who have been successful in reaching their aviation goals. Essentially, by the end of your 6-week core program we can answer the question: Are you training at the levels of other successful pilots or not? Similarly: Do you seem to have a fighting chance to perform well on cog tests at this point in time or not?

Our latest research indicates that pilots who reach our target training levels have about a 9 out of 10 chance of reaching their aeromedical goals, while those that do not reach target training levels have about a 4 out of 10 chance. This is not to say that 90% of pilots who complete our program are successful in reaching their aeromedical goals, but it is to say that over 90% of pilots who reach our target training levels are successful with future cog testing or re-testing! While we cannot perfectly predict future performance, we can help pilots gauge their chances of success in a data driven way, which is a big deal indeed. 

As you know, not everything we plan turns out as planned. If you find you are not reaching expected training levels by the end of the 6-week core program, you may decide to take a chance and simply take or retake cog tests, or you may decide to continue OA Training in 1- to 3-week blocks of time at reduced fees. This can be done until you reach your training goals or OA’s target training levels, though we do not offer programs for more than 12-weeks total (if you experience a prolonged plateau in one or another cognitive area, continued training might not be recommended by your OA Coach). OA is not the be-all and end-all of your decision to test or re-test, and we encourage you to consult with your Neuropsychologist, AME, or another aeromedical professional to determine your readiness. Of course, discussion with your OA Coach and/or John Milanovich PhD, founder and designer of OA, could be especially beneficial in determining your readiness. Please note consultation with John Milanovich PhD incurs additional fees unless you are part of the Forever Fly program (see Start Now page).

The Fine Print: Much like PT, you must understand brain training results vary due to individual differences, such as the nature and extent of a weakness, injury, or obstacle. Exercise effort levels are also an important factor, and it is possible that some challenges might not be overcome using OA Training alone or in conjunction with a medical intervention. Finally, it should be noted that, unlike PT, OA Training is not a medical intervention and it was designed for fitness and educational purposes only.

You should also note there are many other factors outside of brain training linked to your success with cog tests and aviation in general, ranging from your cognitive functioning to your emotional health (i.e., anxiety levels during tests) to how much water you drank or sleep you enjoyed. In addition, it is our understanding that evaluations for FAA purposes look beyond cognitive functioning to make their determinations, using multiple forms of required information.

In terms of your readiness to take or retake cog tests, it is critical to note that our work in this area has been presented at scientific conferences and is being written up for publication, but it is currently considered unpublished and, unlike the actual exercises we use, it has not gone through a rigorous, scientific, peer-reviewed process; sample sizes are fortunately quite large by this time and growing every week; overall, we are only able to offer you our training experiences and expertise based on a changing landscape of information and the many pilots we have worked with in the past and at present. Nonetheless, we enjoy working with professionals in the aeromedical field so that we all develop a greater understanding of this important area, which in the past most often had no basis for determining readiness other than pure guesswork!

Final Note: Just as our exercises do not look like flying, they also do not look like cog tests. Our exercises strive to assist you in strengthening the underlying brain processes most important to flight performance and safety, many of which are measured during cog testing and important in reaching a determination regarding the issuance of your airman medical certificate. While OA Exercises and Coaching could help you reach your aviation goals, we do not “coach” pilots on ways to “beat” their cog tests, and we strive to maintain the highest level of ethical standards in this regard.

Does more training lead to more gains?

Generally speaking, the answer is Yes. However, everyone needs to take a day off at least once per week to aid in neural consolidation!

FOR THOSE SEEKING SPECIAL ISSUANCE, it should be noted that you might reach a plateau in one or another cognitive domain during training. While our hope is that you “breakthrough” the plateau to jump up to our target training level(s), prolonged plateaus are possible. Overall, we tend to see greatly diminishing returns after 12-weeks of training, and while most pilots complete training in 6-weeks some require more. Training extensions after the core 6-week program are discounted at significantly reduced rates, as long as they are purchased within 3-weeks of your last training week. See also, “How often do I train?” in the FAQ section above.

Do I need to do this every year?

No. However, an annual week-long Booster Session really helps maintain your gains. In addition, we recommend completing a 5- to 6-week program every 3 to 5 years to maintain brain health and to potentially reduce some of the declines in processing speed and mental capacities that occur with normal aging. Ultimately, we hope OA Training assists pilots in extending their careers and day-to-day livelihoods well beyond expectations.

Do you guarantee results or offer refunds?

No, we do not. Different people have different brains, needs, and expectations, which does not allow us to guarantee training results. After signing up for a program, you may receive a partial refund (minus $125 in service and administration fees) only if you have not started any exercises; in addition, after 3-weeks following your date of purchase no refund of any kind for any reason is offered, whether you began training/started exercises or not. 

It should be noted that in virtually all pilots training the OA Way leads to significant gains in one or more processing areas, which may or may not reach our target training levels or lead to desired results.

While we know there are free “brain games” in cyberspace, many (if not all) lack the scientific scrutiny of OA or are not specifically designed for pilots. Typical costs for coached online programs have ranged from $1200 to $2000, often for 5-weeks of training of just ONE neurocognitive domain (OA trains 3 to 6 domains, depending on a pilot’s needs, which is possible due to advancements in adaptive training). We also do not waste a pilot’s time by using exercises that may not have the cognitive rigor or difficulty required in the aviation environment. Finally, we help you understand how ready you are for costly neuropsychological testing based on our carefully constructed research database, all without in-person visits!

When it comes to our mission, the bottom line is we strive to assist pilots in reaching their aviation goals, and we believe the human pilot should never be  considered “obsolete.” So, strengthening the Neurological Hardware of the Human Pilot is our number one endeavor and we believe there is no better and cost-effective pathway to this (especially for those seeking special issuance).

For more information on what sets OA apart from other approaches, see the OA vs ALL on this page or Start Now page to learn more about the OA Difference!

This doesn’t look anything like flying, how does this help me?

Answer: We regularly see professional athletes lifting weights and, though it does not look like they are shooting baskets or going head-to-head, it sure helps them with their game. Same for pilots – OA exercises do not look like flying exercises, but they help with the most important muscle for flying aircraft safely – your brain!

What are the exercises like?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

How often do I train?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

How long do I train each session?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

Do I need to train at the same time everyday?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

Can I take a day off?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

Can I take a week off?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

How do I know if I’m improving my cognitive processing?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

What if it doesn’t seem like I’m making gains?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

How do I contact my coach for more information?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

I’m seeking Special Issuance, how can this help?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

I struggled with Cog Testing, can this help me?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

Does more training lead to more gains?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

Do I need to do this every year?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

Do you guarantee results?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.


I can see challenge and the benefits!!


Pilot & AME

There’s a difference, I can see it, and I feel it. I’m definitely sharper than before.

Aspiring Pilot (early 50's)

This is as good as working out at the gym, but it’s workouts for my brain! After OA, it just seems easier to stay ahead of the plane.

Corporate Pilot

He passed his ADHD tests and is even doing better in school – he’s really taken control of things and no longer depends on us. Thank you, OA!

Aspiring Pilot (19 years old)


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